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Couverture de Taken to Kor

Taken to Kor

De : Elizabeth Stephens
Lu par : Joy Beharie, Curtis Michael Holland
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    I thought he liked me. He's been my only source of company for the past rotation that I've been held captive. But when he rejects me in front of everyone, I get the shrov out, determined to find humans on another satellite far far away from this mess that is my life.

    Except I don't exactly receive the warm homecoming I expect. Instead this homecoming is more of the dangerous stabby stabby variety . . . and to get out of the new mess I've found myself in, I might just need a space pirate's help. But what will I have to trade him for it?

    Taken to Kor is the fifth book in the Xiveri Mates series! This is an adrenaline-filled romp through space with a four-armed alien and a plus-sized human heroine. Best listened to after the fourth book, this is a romance with lots of blasters and battles—and one where the villain gets the girl.

    ©2021 Elizabeth Stephens (P)2024 Dreamscape

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