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Couverture de Take It Off

Take It Off

De : Greg Prato, Chris Jericho - foreword, Andreas Carlsson - afterword
Lu par : Greg Prato
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    There is a common misconception about KISS, one of the greatest hard rock/heavy metal bands of all time: that their "non-makeup" era of 1983-1996 is not as enduring as the period when they rocked stages as the Starchild, the Demon, the Spaceman, and the Cat. 

    This is untrue. In fact, this period helped resuscitate KISS' career, as they reestablished themselves in arenas, on the charts, and via MTV, and yielded some of their most popular songs—including "Lick It Up", "Heaven's on Fire", "Tears Are Falling", "Crazy Crazy Nights", "Hide Your Heart", "Forever", "Unholy", and more—many of which consistently found their way into the band's set lists. 

    While the majority of KISS books are focused on the iconic makeup era, the non-makeup years are ripe to be explored in book form, and Take It Off does just that, zeroing in on the 12 albums KISS issued during this period—including such gold- and platinum-certified hits as Lick It Up, Animalize, Crazy Nights, and Revenge—as well the resulting tours, videos, and other escapades.

    Take It Off draws on all-new interviews with KISS experts and associates, including the band's lead guitarist throughout most of this period, Bruce Kulick, plus Crazy Nights producer Ron Nevison and video director Paul Rachman (Unholy/I Just Wanna/Domino). Among the other contributors are Charlie Benante (Anthrax), K.K. Downing (ex-Judas Priest), Derek Sherinan (ex-Dream Theater), and rock music experts Eddie Trunk, Katherine Turman, and Lonn Friend. The book also includes a foreword by Fozzy frontman Chris Jericho and an afterword by acclaimed producer Andreas Carlsson.

    With KISS currently in the midst of their last ever tour, now is the time to get Truly Unmasked.

    ©2019 Greg Prato (P)2022 Greg Prato Writer, Corp.

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