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Take Control of Your Life

De : J. Paul Nadeau
Lu par : Steven Osarczuk
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    Self-sabotage, imposter syndrome, anxiety, fear, and depression are but a few factors that keep us from living the life we deserve to live, and from getting what we want in life.

    As a former police detective, hostage negotiator, and international peacekeeper, J. Paul Nadeau spent more than 30 years working with victims and perpetrators and learning from top experts in abuse situations, murder investigations, hostage-takings, terrorist attacks, and human behavior in general. As a survivor of physical and emotional abuse by an alcoholic father, he experienced firsthand the loss of hope and destructive internal dialogue that can immobilize a person as effectively as any prison.

    In Take Control of Your Life, J. Paul Nadeau combines his personal experiences and insights from his many years in the field to help us overcome the self-sabotaging thoughts and attitudes that prevent us from becoming our best selves and achieving our dreams to the fullest. This book is saving lives and helping many people reclaim the lives they deserve. The stories echo blockbuster movies and are followed by guideposts and lessons that help us negotiate our way out of self-sabotage's devastating grip.

    "Nadeau has crafted a handbook full of signposts that help us navigate not only the world but roadblocks within, rich with personal and professional experience. Loaded with unexpected turns and surprises, Take Control of Your Life is a great tool with touching stories." (Yannick Bisson, actor, director, and producer of the international hit series Murdoch Mysteries)

    ©2018 J. Paul Nadeau (P)2023 J. Paul Nadeau

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