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De : Rosemary DeCuir-McKown
Lu par : Rosemary DeCuir-McKown, Vince McKown
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The Caregiving Con - How to Spot and Stop In-Home Senior Fraud addresses the billion-dollar problem that afflicts countless vulnerable older adults who have been victims of this crime. Family members are bewildered, outraged and frightened when they discover a loved one whose trust has been placed in an opportunist (whether a relative or outsider) who is neither caring nor giving, but instead is continually taking advantage of the senior.

Whether the person is guilty of sponging or actively pilfering, the fact remains that the relationship is unhealthy and the elder's needs are Too frequently, worried relatives who broach this concern with the older adult often are stunned to be met with anger, denial and even a breakdown in all communications - thus immobilizing advocates and further cementing the con's position as keeper of the treasury.

This book focuses on the psychological reasons that explain why this scam has become a fast-growing phenomenon affecting millions of citizens, explaining how cons and victims bond, and outlining key mistakes that concerned family advocates make in trying to protect their loved one. The author cites case studies from her experience in ridding households of these "guest pests" by sharing with listeners examples of effective techniques (hint - they will seem counterintuitive to one's instincts) necessary for outsmarting charlatans and repositioning themselves as protectors of their loved ones.

©2024 Rosemary DeCuir-McKown (P)2024 Rosemary DeCuir-McKown
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