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Symphony of Elliandor: Va'Sith Arithis

De : Zachary T Musgrove
Lu par : Ella Lewis
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Vilsindris: the first of her kind, a Vorseth. Blood-drinking fiends that feast off the wine of the living so they may further their unholy existence - - Simothis Farholst, Year 287 First Age.

After a harrowing experience, Vilsindris awakens from what would seem like a coma and is forever changed. Unable to remember her past, she wanders the wild to be found by the famed monster hunter, Simothis. Journeying together, they slowly learn the truth of her birth. That she is the lost heir to the throne, one that was usurped by her murderous uncle. As word breaks out of her existence, they are forced to flee from assassins sent by the king to prevent her from challenging his claim to the throne.

Follow Vilsindris and Simothis on their journey through faith and damnation, love and betrayal as Vilsindris learns what it means to be a Vorseth, and the true meaning of her rebirth as a much darker fate than war threatens the world of Elliandor.

©2020 Zachary Musgrove (P)2022 Ella Lewis
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