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Couverture de Swing


De : Ashleigh Renard
Lu par : Ashleigh Renard
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    Perfectionist mom takes doing it all to the next level as the world’s worst attempted swinger

    Raised in figure skating, Ashleigh brought the quest for perfectionism into marriage and motherhood, striving for the highest level of difficulty while trying to make it all appear effortless and beautiful. Hilarious, heartbreaking, and hopeful, what will she do when she realizes she has taken "doing it all" to a level she never intended?

    ©2021 Ashleigh Renard (P)2022 Ashleigh Renard


    “Renard’s narrative voice is lighthearted and witty...a thoughtful work that delves into the intricacies of marriage and longing.” (Kirkus Reviews)

    "Swing is the sexiest, funniest, most deeply felt memoir you will read this year." (Andromeda Romano-Lax, author of Annie of the Wolves and Behave)

    Swing is fearless and funny, the perfect book for women who want marriage and motherhood to feel like a breathtaking adventure.” (Alia Volz, author of Home Baked: My Mom, Marijuana, and the Stoning of San Francisco)

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