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  • Swing Hard in Case You Hit It

  • My Escape from Addiction and Shot at Redemption on the Trump Campaign
  • De : Tim Murtaugh
  • Durée : Indisponible

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Swing Hard in Case You Hit It

De : Tim Murtaugh
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    When he woke up in jail in Fairfax County, Virginia, in 2015, Tim Murtaugh had no way of knowing he'd be a senior leader on the reelection campaign for the president of the United States less than four years later.

    What began as a form of high school amusement quickly became an addiction, which over decades would lead Murtaugh to the edge of ruin. Able to beat the disease of alcoholism only under the threat of losing everything, and with the support of a loving wife and family, Murtaugh managed to recover, revive his career, and make it to the top of the political world.

    Travel along on the 2020 Trump campaign as Murtaugh shares stories—never published before—from his two years as communications director, navigating a hostile media, the COVID-19 pandemic, highly anticipated debates, Election Day 2020, January 6, and life on the most-watched political campaign in world history.

    Swing Hard in Case You Hit It is a redemption story unlike any other—from being on the verge of complete self-destruction to flying on Air Force One with President Donald J. Trump—that doesn't come with a happy Hollywood ending.

    ©2024 Tim Murtaugh (P)2024 HighBridge, a division of Recorded Books

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