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Couverture de Swept Away

Swept Away

De : Beth O'Leary
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    Lost at sea . . . with your one-night stand

    'Feels like a brand new version of romance . . . I drowned - happily - in this book' Jodi Picoult
    'My book of the year, my book of the decade. The best romcom I have ever read' Gillian McAllister

    Lexi is looking for no-strings-attached fun with a stranger. She deserves one night for herself, doesn't she?

    Zeke is looking for love. But for one night with a woman like Lexi, he'll break his rules ...

    Sparks fly at the pub - one passionate kiss leads to another, and they soon end up stumbling home to the marina together. But the next morning, they're unable to part ways as planned.

    The houseboat they stayed on last night has been swept out to sea.

    How long can Zeke and Lexi survive on a drifting houseboat? Will search and rescue find them? And who will they have become if they both make it back to dry land?

    'Completely original, so romantic, funny, fresh and deeply heartfelt' Lindsey Kelk

    'This love story will capture you hook, line and sinker' Lucy Clarke

    'My new favourite Beth O'Leary' Paige Toon

    'What a concept, what a novel! I absolutely raced through this bold and beautiful story' Lia Louis

    ©2025 Beth O'Leary (P)2025 Quercus Editions Limited
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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