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Couverture de Sweet Thing

Sweet Thing

De : Cassie-Ann L. Miller
Lu par : Gabriel Spires, Rebecca Woods
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    Mistake #1: Thinking I could be just friends with Dr. Heartbreak.

    Mistake #2: Believing I could let him swipe my V-Card without catching feelings.

    Giving him my heart would be my biggest mistake of all.

    I have no business getting involved with Felix Brighton. I've seen the way he moves through our small town.

    With his playful smiles, hypnotic eyes, and easygoing charm, women are all over him with every step he takes.

    Meanwhile, I'm just sweet, quiet Daphne Beaumont. Just his younger sister's best friend. Just the girl he's barely ever noticed.

    Until I somehow end up in more trouble than I can handle and Felix makes it his duty to swoop in and save the day.

    He should be focused on taking over his father's medical practice. But all he seems to do is focus on me.

    I should be busy preparing for the grand opening of my vintage clothing shop. But all I seem to think about is when I'll run into him again.

    I've noticed the way he's been looking at me lately. Now, I'm curious for a little taste.

    But that one itty, bitty kiss explodes into a five-alarm fire that lands us both in loads of smokin' hot trouble.

    That's how we end up fake-engaged and scrambling to save his dad's medical center. That's how we end up sleeping under the same roof.

    Welp. We might as well make the most of a bad situation, right? And what could be more fun than one toe-curling, cherry-popping, V-Card swiping night in Felix's bed?

    Of course, we can handle it. We're just friends, after all. Plus, I have a list of strict rules to make sure I don't fall in love.

    Except, Felix starts falling for me. Hard and fast. And with every hot touch and every sweet kiss, he's dragging me right along with him.

    I won't give him my heart, though. I mean—I call him Dr. Heartbreak for a reason. Too bad he's already got my heart in his back pocket. And it's already shattered in two.

    Sweet Thing is a steamy, laugh-out-loud, best friend's brother romance. It is set in small-town Iowa and is part of The Brighton Family Series.

    ©2023 Cassie-Ann L. Miller (P)2024 Podium Audio

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