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Couverture de Sweat


De : Bill Hayes
Lu par : Bill Hayes
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    Bloomsbury presents Sweat by Bill Hayes, read by Bill Hayes.

    From the author of Insomniac City 'who can tackle just about any subject in book form, and make you glad he did' (San Francisco Chronicle): a cultural, scientific, literary and personal history of exercise.

    Exercise is our modern obsession, and we have the fancy workout gear and fads to prove it. Exercise - a form of physical activity distinct from sports, play or athletics - was an ancient obsession, too, but as a chapter in human history, it's been largely overlooked. In Sweat, Bill Hayes runs, jogs, swims, spins, walks, bikes, boxes, lifts, sweats and downward-dogs his way through the origins of different forms of exercise, chronicling how they have evolved over time and dissecting the dynamics of human movement.

    Hippocrates, Plato, Galen, Susan B. Anthony, Jack LaLanne, and Jane Fonda, among many others, make appearances in Sweat, but chief among the historical figures is Girolamo Mercuriale, a Renaissance-era Italian physician who aimed singlehandedly to revive the ancient Greek 'art of exercising' through his 1569 book De Arte Gymnastica. As Hayes ties his own personal experience to the cultural and scientific history of exercise, from ancient times to the present day, he gives us a new way to understand its place in our lives in the 21st century.

    ©2022 Bill Hayes (P)2022 Bloomsbury Publishing Plc


    "I was riveted by Sweat and its extraordinary tale of the ups and downs of exercise over millennia. Who knew?" (Jane Fonda)

    "Bill Hayes’ peripatetic inquiry into the history of exercise is a delight.... You’re in for a treat. Hayes weaves his riveting findings in the archives with a revelatory memoir of physical exertion that begins to answer that most human of questions: what does the body mean?" (Alison Bechdel, author of The Secret to Superhuman Strength)

    "A lovely weave of memory and science, great characters and compassionate humor. You will love it for its wisdom and wonderful writing." (Anne Lamott)

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