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  • Surviving to Thriving

  • A Single Parent's Practical Guide to Post-Divorce Fallout
  • De : Torrey Commisso
  • Lu par : Torrey Commisso
  • Durée : 5 h et 34 min

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Surviving to Thriving

De : Torrey Commisso
Lu par : Torrey Commisso
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    You’re a parent going through a divorce - what now? There is no doubt that you have an array of questions, emotions, and confusion navigating this season of being a newly divorced, single parent. This is not where you ever thought you’d be, but you are not alone. This practical guide is for you. 

    Torrey is not just an outsider looking in, she brings to the table years of expertise as a therapist and a unique experience as someone who has walked through devastation of divorce - she will not let you walk this alone. Torrey will hold your hand through the mucky road less traveled by validating what you are feeling - anger, guilt, shame, rage, and fear. But she doesn’t just leave you there. With tough love and a side of humor, Torrey leads you on a journey to a life of healing in the midst of post-divorce fallout. With practical lists, exercises, and journal prompts, Torrey provides you with the tools you need to co-parent, communicate with your kids, fight the loneliness you are experiencing, and much more. There is hope on the horizon. Torrey encourages you to lean into faith - a power greater than you - to navigate all the uncontrollable things this journey will throw at you. 

    Listen to these powerful words, and discover that you will not only survive this, but you will thrive. If you’re ready to become the best version of you, this book will make all the difference.

    ©2020 Torrey Commisso (P)2021 Torrey Commisso

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