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  • Surviving Your Child's Adolescence

  • How to Understand, and Even Enjoy, the Rocky Road to Independence
  • De : Carl Pickhardt
  • Lu par : Christopher Tavlos
  • Durée : 8 h et 2 min

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Surviving Your Child's Adolescence

De : Carl Pickhardt
Lu par : Christopher Tavlos
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    Expert suggestions for guiding your child through the rough teenage years.

    Does it sometimes seem like your teenager is trying to push you over the edge? Learn what your child is going through and what you can do to help your teen navigate this difficult period in this practical guide from psychologist and parenting expert Carl Pickhardt. In an easy-to-listen-to style, Dr. Pickhardt describes a four stage model of adolescent growth to help parents anticipate common developmental changes in their daughter or son from late elementary school through the college-age years. 

    • Provides unique advice for dealing with arguing, chores, the messy room, homework, and many other issues. 
    • Offers best practices for teaching effective communication, constructive conflict, and responsible decision-making. 
    • Includes ideas for protecting kids against the dangers of the internet, bullying, dating, sexual involvement, and substance use. 

    An essential road map for parents looking to guide their children on the path to adulthood. 

    ©2013 Carl Pickhardt (P)2013 Audible, Inc.

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