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Couverture de Surviving My Birthright

Surviving My Birthright

De : Casey Hammer, Heather McDonald - foreword
Lu par : Casey Hammer
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    Revised by the author, Casey Hammer, with additional content. The original Surviving My Birthright has received a facelift and includes a foreword by Heather McDonald, actress, comedian, and host of Juicy Scoop. Reviews are by Edward Jay Epstein, author of Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer, and Lauren Skae, @thezenblonde. Entrepreneur Romi Cortier adds his take on From the Inside Looking Out, a recap of Casey’s life. And lastly, Casey Hammer adds what’s to come and coming soon, featuring her new book Hammertime: Surviving & Thriving, along with poetry throughout.

    The name Armand Hammer conjures up many aspirational ideals. Billionaire. Industrialist. Successful businessman. Philanthropist. Art collector. It sounds like the idealized American success story. However, the reality of growing up Hammer had a very dark side, with very real consequences.

    Violence. Addiction. Abuse. These are just some of the realities that Casey Hammer, the only granddaughter of Armand Hammer, had to overcome. As dark as her recollections are, Casey is the embodiment of courage and strength. She weathered the storm and came out stronger on the other side. Hers is a story of survival, hope, and inspiration. Lift the veil and see the realities of growing up Hammer.

    ©2021 Casey Hammer (P)2022 Casey Hammer

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