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Couverture de Survival Road

Survival Road

De : Colton Lively, Clay Wise, Marie Wilkens
Lu par : Cheryl May
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    Gianna Wright faces a heart-wrenching choice: surrender to a brutal regime or risk everything in a daring attempt to save her son.

    The Wright family's rural paradise becomes a battleground for survival when darkness descends across the land. After an EMP attack cripples the nation, Gianna Wright must protect her son Dean and lead the townspeople against the tyrannical Sergeant Hudson. Outnumbered and outgunned, Gianna and her twin brother Grant hatch a daring plan to infiltrate Hudson's militia and ignite an uprising. However, Hudson kidnaps Dean and forces the twins to make an impossible choice: surrender themselves or watch Dean hang. With innocent lives on the line, Gianna must rally the townspeople for an all-out war against Hudson's brutal regime. Filled with pulse-pounding action and heart-pounding romance, this gripping thriller asks how far you'd go to protect the ones you love.

    After an EMP destroys the nation's power grid, a family's strength is put to the test.

    With food and water in short supply, people scramble to secure resources. As the crisis unfolds, one family seeks sanctuary at a ranch on the city's outskirts. For Gabby, the only thing worse than failing to reach the ranch is failing to protect her family in this dangerous post-EMP world.

    ©2024 DBS Publishing LLC (P)2024 DBS Publishing LLC

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