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Couverture de Survival


De : Helen Scott, Ellabee Andrews
Lu par : Tristan James, Stephanie Rose
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    What's my secret? That's something I intend to take to the grave.

    When my best friend and the only person who knows who - and what - I really am gets selected for the Mating Games, I know the only way to save her is to try and win her for myself.

    All I need to do is navigate three trials while not letting anyone know I'm a woman, or, and this might be even more important, that I have magic.

    Easy, right? Easier than slaving away for all hours of the day swinging an ax in the mines. Or so I thought.

    I certainly didn't count on the one man I've longed for, the one man who stirs feelings of femininity and desire within me, to enter the games as well. Every minute that I'm there I'm risking everything. If I'm discovered, I'll become nothing more than a broodmare, but I can't abandon the woman who is like family to the fate that the Divine would deem she have.

    I'll do whatever it takes to save her from the desolate future of becoming nothing more than a prize for the victor of the games. The only question is, will my secret still be intact by the time the trials are over? Or will I have condemned us both to a fate worse than death?

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2020 Helen Scott and Ellabee Andrews (P)2020 Tantor

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