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Couverture de Survival Camp 12

Survival Camp 12

De : Bill Wetterman
Lu par : Brenda St. John
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    When Mary Kenton, a native born Creek Indian, marries her military husband, BK, she does not listen to his survivalist beliefs. But when the Yellowstone volcano erupts, she finds herself embedded in a hardcore unit bent on reviving a destroyed America. In the middle of a group determined to fight to the death to create a new society, Mary is forced to change her thoughts about marriage, the value of human life, and living in day-to-day fear, while holding on to her Christian beliefs in a male dominated world.
    To establish a new country and a new government, The Southern States of America must put down looting, roaming gangs of terrorists, Islamic radicals, and the lack of basic essentials. Enemies both foreign and domestic seek to steal what they have, and every day brings a new challenge. Over half the former United States has irreparable damage, and the volcano continues to toss ash miles into the stratosphere.

    Facing these condition, the men and women of Survival Camp 12, rally the Southern State of America to their banner.. This novel has been republished under the title, Survival Camp 12. It was formerly Yellowstone—A Fall from Grace.

    ©2022 William J Wetterman (P)2024 William J Wetterman

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