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Couverture de Surrender


De : Kimberly Brown
Lu par : Aria Addison, Chance Smolders
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    surrender /səˈrendər/ to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another

    Kachelle Lewis is tired of waiting for love. As a successful pediatric orthodontist, she has everything else going for herself, but the one thing she desires most seems to be just out of reach. Coming home to an empty home has gotten old, and Kachelle longs for companionship. After dating every wrong man, she’s decided to put the fate of her love into the hands of Arranged Hearts, a professional matchmaking service, but there is a catch. While she’ll be paired with what she hopes is the man of her dreams, she will know nothing about him until she meets him at the altar.

    Jacob Mitchell lives a very comfortable lifestyle. As a highly successful author and illustrator of children’s books, he’s traveled the world and found happiness in material things. For Jacob, all the money in the world can’t buy him the one thing he desires most—the love of a good woman. Tired of the shallow side of the dating pool, Jacob is ready to jump into the deep end. When he enlists the help of Arranged Hearts, he isn’t sure what he’s getting himself into, but he’s hopeful that it will lead to him finding the love of his life.

    Armed with hope in their hearts, Kachelle and Jacob meet at the altar. Their attraction is immediate, but is it enough to marry a complete stranger? If their pairing is a success, they could live a long and happy life. If it isn’t, both could be heartbroken. Will the arranged hearts commit to forever, or will I do turn into I don’t?

    ©2024 Kimberly Brown (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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