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Couverture de Surprised by the Spirit

Surprised by the Spirit

De : Mary Scantlin
Lu par : Elizabeth Chicoine
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    Throughout her life, author Mary Scantlin has documented events in her spiritual journal that have both amazed her and increased her faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. She has witnessed changed lives, restored souls, and even physical healings while ministering the love of God to others. One day, in a quiet yet impactful word, Mary felt the Lord impress upon her to share these incredible stories with others.

    At first, it was a surprise that anyone might want to read about her journey. But then again, she recalled the numerous times that she had been surprised by God's leading. And this was just another unpredictable way He was working in and through her. You will be blessed and encouraged as you learn about the ways of the Holy Spirit and how He works in our lives. As you listen to the many inspiring stories in this book, you'll be encouraged to allow God to move in your life in ways that will astound you.

    ©2023 Mary Scantlin (P)2024 Mary Scantlin

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