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Couverture de Supertato: Night of the Living Veg

Supertato: Night of the Living Veg

De : Sue Hendra, Paul Linnet
Lu par : Sue Hendra, Paul Linnet
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    Join Supertato and the gang for more hilarious supermarket silliness in the bestselling, blockbuster series from picture book superstars, Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet! 

    It’s fright-time in the supermarket, and the veggies are seriously spooked!

    Strange shapes, weird noises and eerie shuffling – whatever can be behind these ghostly goings-on?

    Join Supertato and the gang to find out in this unmissable adventure!

    The perfect book to calm bedtime fears and snuggle up with all year round​.

    Other titles in the Supertato series by Sue Hendra & Paul Linnet:
    Supertato: Veggies Assemble
    Supertato: Run, Veggies, Run!
    Supertato: Evil Pea Rules
    Supertato: Veggies in the Valley of Doom
    Supertato: Carnival Catastro-pea!
    Supertato: Bubbly Troubly!
    Supertato: Night of the Living Veg
    Supertato: The Great Eggscape!
    Supertato: Presents Jack and the Beanstalk
    Supertato: Mean Green Time Machine

    Also by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet:
    Barry the Fish with Fingers
    Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell
    No-Bot the Robot with No Bottom
    I Spy Island
    I Spy Island: Book vs. Shark

    Also look out for The Supertato Collection Volume 1, featuring four fabulous stories, read by the authors: Supertato, Supertato: Veggies Assemble, Supertato: Run, Veggies, Run and Supertato: Evil Pea Rules.

    ©2021 Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet (P)2021 Simon & Schuster Audio
    • Série : Supertato, Volume 11
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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