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Couverture de Superman Unveiled

Superman Unveiled

De : Luis Herrera
Lu par : David Bosco
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    What you are about to hear is the true, untold story of the god the world has come to know as Superman. There are many things that must be cleared regarding this "man", much lore and superstition that must be debunked if we ever hope to grasp his true identity and nature. The first fable that must be put to bed is the notion that Superman is an alien from Krypton, a fiction clearly made up to protect his actual identity. You see his story is real, and that is why it has been told, this is why you think you know it. However not unlike witnesses whose identity is closely guarded and kept secret for their own safety and wellbeing, so is the real Superman cloaked under the guise of comic books, myth, and legend.

    Because your whole life you've been taught that he is an extraterrestrial from Krypton, you automatically dismiss his story as a farce and mission accomplished, all suspicion is nullified. This does not mean that he came to be via the womb of a terrestrial, which is also not the case. No, the real Superman was forged in the hellfire of Hades, wrought by the molten lava of the underworld and birthed by a spewing volcano.

    ©2017 Luis Herrera (P)2017 Luis Herrera

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