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  • Sunshine for the Soul: Words of Light Through the Darkness of Covid

  • De : Nick Olsen
  • Lu par : Kewon D Jones
  • Durée : 1 h et 18 min

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Couverture de Sunshine for the Soul: Words of Light Through the Darkness of Covid

Sunshine for the Soul: Words of Light Through the Darkness of Covid

De : Nick Olsen
Lu par : Kewon D Jones
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    There is light...

    This collection of poetry is a personal reflection of the author’s experiences amid the Covid-19 crisis and the world around us. He watched the reports on television, spoke with first responders, and witnessed many who died from this horrible virus and the toll it has taken with families. Covid-19 brought out the horror of our society - friends, family, and neighbors fighting amongst themselves - but it also revealed those who love and care for their fellow man.

    Since this great nation’s birth, America has always come together to fight for its people until our foes are successfully defeated. On the contrary, Covid-19 became a political tool igniting a civil war between Red states and Blue states, pitting one against the other.

    May we all be as one in defeating the Covid-19 virus, as we are nevertheless, the United States of America!

    ©2021 Nick Olsen (P)2022 Nick Olsen

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