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  • Summit's Edge

  • An FBI K-9 Novel, Book 9
  • De : Sara Driscoll
  • Durée : 11 h et 45 min

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Summit's Edge

De : Sara Driscoll
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    FBI handler Meg Jennings and her K-9 partner, Hawk, vie to rescue plane crash survivors from a Colorado mountain—and contend with a hijacker determined to escape justice.

    As long as there’s hope of finding life, no mission is too dangerous for Meg Jennings and her colleagues in the FBI K-9 unit. But locating the wreckage of a hijacked private plane high in the Elk Mountains of Colorado is treacherous in a multitude of ways—some of them impossible for even a seasoned team to predict.

    The plane, carrying the board of directors of Barron Pharmaceuticals, crashed on a rocky peak and was cleaved in two. Perilous weather means the rescuers have to ascend on foot, with their dogs unleashed in case of falls. It takes hours to locate the wreckage, but miraculously, Meg and Hawk find a number of passengers and crew still alive. The hijacker also survived, and has fled into the wilderness with the CEO’s son in pursuit.

    As soon as day breaks, the K-9 teams set out to find both men, and the dogs quickly pick up a scent trail. Meg has used her connections with an investigative reporter to learn as much as she can about the hijacker, hoping to use it when they apprehend him. But first, they must contend with the mountain’s savage fury, and an adversary who will destroy as many lives as possible rather than face justice . . .

    ©2024 Sara Driscoll (P)2024 Recorded Books

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