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Summary of Steven Kotler's The Art of Impossible

De : Slingshot Books
Lu par : Jessica Adams
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No time to read? Get the main key insights from this summary of Steven Kotler’s The Art of Impossible in just a short listen.

A few key insights from Chapter 1:

1. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. You need to start somewhere. Stalking the impossible means you need to start digging deep on a daily basis.

2. There is a formula for the impossible. When we see the seemingly impossible become possible, we are witnessing the culmination of a quartet of skills - motivation, learning, creativity, and flow - that have been expertly applied and amplified.

3. We can use science to figure out how to decipher these skills. We want to understand what makes each of them tick, and then use what we learn to make them tick even better - that is, to make our biology work for us rather than against us.

4. Drive refers to powerful emotional motivators or feelings that drive our behavior automatically.

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