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Couverture de Suing Cinderella

Suing Cinderella

De : Stephanie Mack
Lu par : Christina Porter, Dallin Bradford
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    All’s fair in love and lawsuits...

    With equal parts gavel and magic wand, Suing Cinderella explores the laws of love, the meaning of fairy tales, and the hope of imagination. Don't miss this romantic, redemptive, and magical second novel from Stephanie Mack, author of When We Blinked.

    Jilted at the altar, heartbroken Scotland "Scottie" Holiday feels utterly conned by her supposed Prince Charming. In reflecting on her ethos of love, however, Scottie determines the real villain is the Kingston Company: the children's entertainment and amusement park conglomerate responsible for all those glittery fairy tales she watched on a loop growing up. With her best friend and ruthless corporate litigator Peyton by her side, Scottie decides to sue Kingston for false advertising and emotional distress, claiming she has been duped by their magical, misleading stories of happily-never-after.

    Enter Harrison Hayes, Kingston's dashing defense attorney. A Kingston loyalist and brilliant mind, Harrison proves to be a formidable adversary, with his deep knowledge of the law (and even deeper brown eyes). Soon, there are more sparks flying in Scottie's case of a lifetime than in Kingston's nightly fireworks show—and staying away from each other proves a trial in more ways than one. As the gavel comes down, and their connection heats up, Scottie is forced to face the evidence and the truth. She must summon her past, cross-examine her heart, and reach her verdict on one final question: do fairy tales exist after all?

    ©2024 Stephanie Mack (P)2024 Stephanie Mack


    “This book will permeate your thoughts—I simply couldn’t put it down!” Shannon Leyko, Author of You’re Completely Normal

    “Chapter after chapter, this book will keep surprising you in the best way, ultimately leaving you feeling full of fairy-tale magic." Natasha Burton, Author + Relationships Expert

    "The verdict is in: Mack’s smart sophomore release is nothing short of enchanting." — Jenn McBride, Former Managing Editor, CBS Los Angeles (

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