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Couverture de Subverted


De : Lori Matthews
Lu par : Sofia Willingham, Wyeth Watts
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    After an abandoned ship is found in international waters, Team RECON is summoned by Homeland Security to find answers. Finn Walsh has massive reservations about boarding the empty US Navy ship. His worst fears come to life when they find all the navigation equipment and electronics disabled, smashed, or gone. But when Finn finds a hidden stash of dead bodies, he can't get off the ship fast enough.

    Homeland Security analyst Victory Stanhope evaluates foreign and domestic terrorist cells from the safety of a desk in Washington D.C. But when a "request" to investigate an abandoned ship comes from the Director himself, Tory heads back into the field only to discover that one of the Coast Guard team she is overseeing is a man she slept with once at a low point in her life and she's never forgotten him.

    In the interest of national security, Tory sidelines her strong attraction to Finn and throws herself into the riddle of what happened to the crew of the Oceanus Explorer and who is selling government secrets to other nations.

    The stakes get even higher when Tory realizes that the sinister mastermind of the treasonous plot is closer to home than she thought possible.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2022 Lori Matthews (P)2024 Tantor

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