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Couverture de Studying The Great Gatsby: The Complete Text and Revision Guide

Studying The Great Gatsby: The Complete Text and Revision Guide

De : F. Scott Fitzgerald
Lu par : Roy McMillan, Adam Sims
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    Plug in and prepare for your A-Level English Literature examination with this comprehensive audio study guide to The Great Gatsby.

    Includes the entire, unabridged audio narration of The Great Gatsby, as well as in-depth analysis on the text, covering the key areas of: Characters, Themes, Structure and Form, Genre and Historical Context - as well as detailed chapter summaries and key quotations for your exam.

    This audio study guide covers the core assessment objectives of the A Level syllabus. This will give students studying these texts a strong foundation from which they can build their understanding, engage with other critical commentary and draw connections to other literary texts. Students will learn how to:

    • articulate informed and creative responses to the text through the exploration of themes and key ideas (AO1)
    • analyse writers' craft to uncover the ways in which writers convey meaning in the text (AO2)
    • appreciate the influence and significance of the contexts which shaped the writing and reception of the text (AO3)
    ©2020 Penguin Audio (P)2020 Penguin Audio

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