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Couverture de Stuck with My Off-Limits Billionaire CEO

Stuck with My Off-Limits Billionaire CEO

De : Andrea Vega
Lu par : Catherine Hein Carter
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    A one-night stand with my off-limits Billionaire Boss results in a surprise baby.

    Damien Grant, my boss, and a ghost from a wild night still haunts me. As a single mother juggling a job and a kid, I'm determined to avoid drama. But when Damien and I reunite, sparks fly. Our reunion is a clash of titans. With me challenging his authority before an audience of passengers, and him trying to assert his control.

    Stranded after an emergency landing, the only thing that was flying was sparks between us. As the night grows longer, I start to see him in a new light. As we return to the city's hustle, the truth looms large. Damien could be more than just my boss; he could be a father. But falling for the billionaire CEO could put everything I've worked for at risk. With my career and heart on the line, I'll have to decide if this forbidden romance is worth fighting for.

    ©2024 Andrea Vega (P)2024 Andrea Vega

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