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Couverture de Strike It

Strike It

De : Dr. Nathan Unruh
Lu par : Kerry Liebelt
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    Your talents, abilities, goals, and dreams … your potential … creates the perfect makeup at the tip of the matchstick that is your life. God created within you the exact, unique gifts to make up your beautiful, individual potential. And, when you tap into these talents … when you STRIKE YOUR MATCH … your life ignites. You then hold the power to light a fire, bringing influence and light to the world and to the lives of those around you. If your life is a match, imagine the possibilities!

    You were born with immense God-given potential. You've had this potential your entire life and it will never go away. This potential whispers to you through desires and dreams that stir in your heart. This potential, however, must be ignited and unleashed. Dr. Nathan Unruh shares 9 Catalytic Principles to Ignite Your Potential, and will inspire you to light your match!

    ©2024 Dr. Nathan Unruh (P)2024 Dr. Nathan Unruh

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