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  • Stress Less. Love Life More: How to Stop Worrying, Reduce Anxiety, Eliminate Negative Thinking and Find Happiness

  • Health & Happiness, Book 2
  • De : Cassandra Gaisford
  • Lu par : Cassandra Gaisford
  • Durée : 47 min

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Stress Less. Love Life More: How to Stop Worrying, Reduce Anxiety, Eliminate Negative Thinking and Find Happiness

De : Cassandra Gaisford
Lu par : Cassandra Gaisford
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    The secret to feeling less stressed and more focused

    The pressures of work, relationships, families, the fast pace of life, and increasing demands on your time can leave you in a state of turmoil. However, there is a cure - reclaiming joy by building greater resilience.

    In Stress Less. Love Life More, best-selling author and holistic therapist Cassandra Gaisford (BCA, Dip Psych) reveals dozens of insights based on positive psychology research, and professional achievements gained by successfully helping burned-out corporate executives, teenagers, extraordinary artists, authors, frazzled employees and creative entrepreneurs, and people from all walks of life, destress and succeed more.

    This book explores the effects of stress on the body and mind and offers practical solutions to achieving the right balance in our life. It explores ways to master effective stress management, as well as providing quick-fix stress relievers and ongoing therapies such as yoga, massage, nutrition, and meditation.

    In Stress Less. Live Life More, you'll discover:

    • Why following your bliss is an antidote for stress
    • How to tune into your body barometer
    • How to anticipate potential stressful things before they occur
    • Practical methods for managing common and extraordinary stressors
    • How to build life-affirming coping strategies
    • How to get your mojo back and empower your business and personal life
    • How to rediscover joy and love life again

    Gaisford provides a fresh approach to living, from contemporary quick-fixes for those combating the pressures of modern life, to soothing rituals and long-term solutions for a better life. This quintessential lifestyle guide reassures you that joy is within your reach, and shows you how to reclaim your, happiness, health, close relationships, career - and sanity.

    ©2020 Blue Giraffe Publishing (P)2020 Blue Giraffe Publishing

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