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Couverture de Street Banditz

Street Banditz

De : C. J. Hudson
Lu par : D. R. Rice
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    C-Town. The Land. Believe Land. No matter what you call it, for years Cleveland has been known to bring the drama. Follow the lives of seven deadly sinners as they struggle to weave their way through the hardened streets of the 216!

    Michael Red Roberts and Bulletproof Bobby Walker form a deadly combination making money and holding down their territory. But when Bobby meets a girl that captures his heart, it causes a rift between him and his cousin. It all comes to a head when Bobby has to make a choice between the woman he loves and staying true to the most sacred hood law of all. 

    Tammy has worked tirelessly over the past year to save up enough money to attend college. She's been very careful not to get pregnant and screw up her chances of furthering her education. Everything seems to be going according to plan, until Tammy's mother, Janice, brings home a man who doesn't seem to be quite right. Add that to the fact that Tammy is desperately trying to keep her younger brother, Hakim, from hitting the block to make fast money. 

    Ivory, who Tammy often hangs out with, has discovered that selling drugs for a living is much easier than working. But when she breaks a long-standing rule, she has no choice but to go in hiding from the hoodlums that she screwed over. Nancy, Tammy's friend and co-worker, has an attraction for dark-skinned men. She also has a secret addiction and an alliance that will get her blackballed from any hood in America.

    ©2020 C. J. Hudson (P)2020 Recorded Books, Inc.

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