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Stranger than Science Stories and Facts - Volume Two

De : Martin K. Ettington
Lu par : Martin K. Ettington
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This book is my second on stranger than science stories and facts. The idea is from the book Stranger Than Science by Frank Edwards that I read when I was a kid. It made a great impression on me since it caused me to be curious about all of the unknown facts in the world.

In this volume two I’ve gone through my 120 plus books again to find interesting subjects I’ve either experienced or researched which were not discussed in the first book.

My goal is to open the eyes of the listener to facts and stories about the unknown they may not know about. Hopefully this will lead you to become more open minded and think seriously about new things which may not have been part of your life before.

Here you will listen to stories about the paranormal, spiritual enlightenment, legendary animals like dragons, giant snakes, living dinosaurs, ball lightning, alien anti-gravity technology, improving longevity, and much more.

I promise you will not be bored with the materials we cover here.

After listening to this book I hope you can see that our world is truly mysterious and the more we know, the more questions we have, and the more there is to know.

©2022 Martin K. Ettington (P)2022 Martin K. Ettington
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