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Strange Sightings on the Moon, Mars, and In Space

De : Martin K. Ettington
Lu par : Martin K. Ettington
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Most of my books on Aliens and UFOs are about evidence of them existing on Earth.

However, there are also many unusual sightings in space, which is the subject of this book. These sightings cover the following locations:

  • UFOs flying around the International Space Station.
  • Bases and UFOs on the moon.
  • Strange sightings on Mars taken by our martian rovers.
  • In deep space, elsewhere in the solar system.

Some of the sightings like the face in Cydonia are just a result of our natural abilities to see living forms in many types of pictures. But some may turn out to be real phenomena.

Certainly, some of these sightings can’t be anything other than real UFOs.

If you want to learn about strange sightings in the solar system outside of Earth, then this book is for you.

©2023 Martin K. Ettington (P)2023 Martin K. Ettington
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