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Strange Highways, Volume One

De : Jeff Elder
Lu par : Shawn Rigby
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Strange Highways is a mesmerizing collection of short, loosely connected scenes that capture the vivid imagination of the author as they traverse the vast landscapes of the country. Each scene is a snapshot of the extraordinary, the whimsical, and the thought-provoking moments that arise from the simple act of driving.

From hauntingly beautiful sunsets over desolate highways to the quirky encounters with fellow travelers, listeners are invited to embark on a journey through the mind of a storyteller who finds inspiration in the mundane and the magnificent alike. This collection is a testament to the power of imagination and the endless possibilities that lie just beyond the horizon.

Perfect for fans of reflective and evocative storytelling, Strange Highways will leave you pondering the hidden stories within every mile of road traveled. Buckle up and prepare for a ride through the unexpected twists and turns of the human mind.

©2024 Jeff Elder (P)2024 Jeff Elder
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