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Couverture de Stranded with the Billionaire

Stranded with the Billionaire

De : Josephine Beintema
Lu par : Josephine Beintema
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    Sterling Denver did whatever it took to get the story. The famous tabloid writer had a reputation to uphold as one of the sharpest in the industry.

    Jake Ramesly was on a private flight back to the city to try to help sort out the mess in Ramesly Insurance after his father’s arrest. He didn’t believe for a moment that his father was guilty and intended to get to the bottom of things.

    Sterling knew that Jake was going to come back to the city. She used her sources and her cash to bribe her way onto his private plane as a stewardess. Now she had him all to herself for the six-hour flight. Sterling was about to get an exclusive interview from one of America’s most eligible bachelors while his family life imploded. Her career had never looked better.

    Then turbulence hit them… both in their temperaments and in the air. The plan crashed, and Sterling found herself stranded with the billionaire.

    ©2019 Josephine Beintema (P)2023 Josephine Beintema

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