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Couverture de Storm Keep

Storm Keep

De : Steven Becker
Lu par : Paul J McSorley
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    In this heart-stopping action-adventure thriller, John Storm, a grizzled and skeptical spy, finds himself entangled in a web of deception and treachery.

    Partnered with his charismatic son, Mako, they embark on a mission to thwart a diabolical plan to reshape the European Union. As they unravel the intricate threads of a plot involving a mystical artifact, they discover that betrayal lurks closer than they could ever imagine. With an ally turned adversary, playing a dangerous game, the father-son duo must navigate through ancient fortresses, decode historical mysteries, and outsmart their enemies in a race against time.

    'Storm Keep' is a pulse-pounding tale of espionage, trust, and the blurred lines between allies and enemies. Will John and Mako emerge victorious, or will the artifact's secrets unlock chaos across Europe? Find out in this riveting thriller filled with twists, turns, and the electrifying tension of a world on the brink.

    ©2024 The White Marlin Press LLC (P)2024 The White Marlin Press LLC

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