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Couverture de Stories of the Civil War

Stories of the Civil War

De : Albert Blaisdell
Lu par : Wayne Evans
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    As noted in the Preface, "This is a book of stories (published in 1899) about the Civil War. It is not a history - only a book of stories edited for school and home use. Our aim has not been to crowd the mind with facts, but to arouse in the younger generation a lively interest in the brave men who fought in the war for the Union. We have tried to present a series of pictures of our national life during the late war, around which a fuller knowledge of the course of its history may gather. These stories are designed to interest as well as to instruct young people, and to excite in their minds a keen desire to know more of the noble deeds of their fathers and grandfathers, who sacrificed so much during this momentous period of our country’s history."

    You will enjoy these 42 stirring stories of soldiers, spies, generals, and everyday people - young and old. You will honor those in the past as we strive for a better future.

    Public Domain (P)2020 Wayne Evans LLC

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