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  • Stop, Drop, Grow, & Glow

  • Forming Deeper and More Joyful Connections with Yourself and Your Children
  • De : Holly Swenson
  • Lu par : Holly Swenson
  • Durée : 5 h et 42 min

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Stop, Drop, Grow, & Glow

De : Holly Swenson
Lu par : Holly Swenson
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    Do you dream of parenting with more peace, patience, intentionality, balance, and joy? Parenting asks everything and more of you, leaving many of us to feel overwhelmed, stressed, tired, and misaligned with how we want to live and show up for our families. It doesn’t have to be about giving all your energy to others.

    Holly Swenson's Stop, Drop, Grow, & Glow method will revolutionize the way you parent, help you align with how you want to show up for your family, and show you how to tend to your own heart in the process. On the surface, this book is about parenting with more consciousness and ease, but when you dive in deeper, you'll discover how to nourish and mend the parts of you in need so you can parent fully and thrive in the process.

    Holly Swenson, a BSN, RN, and mother to four boys, is on a mission to raise the bar for parents around the world. In Stop, Drop, Grow, & Glow, she shares her wisdom, lived experiences, provides a memorable and reflective framework for re-working "you." She will teach you how to balance the demands of parenthood with more grace and gentility, not just for your own benefit, but for the benefit of the lives you are responsible for shaping. The door is open, will you walk through?

    ©2023 Holly Swenson (P)2023 Holly Swenson

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