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Couverture de Stone Soup

Stone Soup

De : Heather Forest
Lu par : Heather Forest
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Narrator Heather Ford's gorgeous voice is accompanied by rousing sound effects such as a creaking or slamming door, a fire igniting, and water being added to a pot. When a visitor to the village wants people to help him make soup, no one wants to participate. They all say selfishly, "I don't care, I won't share." Slowly, people unbend, and Ford's presentation warms as they decide to contribute a small carrot or a bean, etc. Ford's voice is lovely as she lists what people will finally add to the soup. Young listeners hear a subtle lesson when she concludes that the magic ingredient is sharing. Every bit counts - from the largest to the smallest.


    In this cumulative retelling of an ancient and widely circulated legend, storyteller Heather Forest shows that when each person makes a small contribution, the collective impact can be huge. Illustrated by Susan Gaber.
    ©1998 Heather Forest (P)1998 August House Publishers, Inc.
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "The simple, direct telling is enhanced by the addition of several folkloric-style rhymes and Gaber's rich acrylic paintings that depict a multiethnic global village and brightly colored vegetables....this will be welcomed by young listeners and storytellers alike." ( Booklist)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Stone Soup

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