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Couverture de Still Life

Still Life

De : Rebecca Pacheco
Lu par : Jennifer Jill Araya
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    From renowned yogi meditation teacher and author of Do Your Om Thing Rebecca Pacheco comes Still Life, offering an in-depth exploration of mindfulness and meditation misconceptions to arm the listener with inspirational and practical tools for cultivating a consistent mindfulness practice.

    For years Rebecca Pacheco has taught listeners and students alike how to embrace the wisdom of the yoga sutras and reap the mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of the ancient tradition. Now, in Still Life, she turns her focus to mindfulness, demystifying a seemingly esoteric practice and giving listeners practical, real-life tools to implement mindfulness in their own lives - regardless of experience level or lifestyle.

    Pacheco begins by deconstructing the common misperceptions about meditation - including the idea that is a cure-all for every malady - offering valuable insight into what mindfulness does entail, and why the process of cultivating more of it can improve not only our own lives, but also the lives of others. Pacheco also takes aim at the reductive “good vibes only” veneer commonly heard in the contemporary wellness community, which suggests mindfulness is steeped in positivity. A contemplative life, Pacheco argues, isn’t synonymous with bliss, but rather requires a degree of mental, emotional, and spiritual grappling. Still Life challenges listeners to dig deep and develop the tools that can ultimately lead to joy - including to waking up in the present, reclaiming the moment, and living life fully.

    ©2021 Rebecca Pacheco (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers

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