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Couverture de Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!

De : Joel Osteen, Johnny McGowan
Lu par : Johnny McGowan
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    Unlock God's power to elevate your position and reach your full potential with Stepping Up! by Lakewood Church pastor Johnny McGowan.

    No matter your current position, God will unlock the power for you to reach your incredible potential. The key is to approach all you do with a servant's heart versus your own ambition. This guide to serving with passion, integrity, and intuition for success explores how to appreciate today while anticipating the possibilities that await tomorrow.

    With biblical wisdom and personal insights, Johnny McGowan reveals his own exciting trajectory and the doors that were opened each time he stepped up to serve God. For the past 30 years, he has devoted his gifts to serving Lakewood, one of America's largest churches. Along the way, he has marveled at the leadership opportunities God presented as he stayed committed to serving something larger than himself. By seeking only to fulfill God's will for his life, Johnny has been blessed with increasing responsibility and innumerable ways to make a difference through Stepping Up!

    Regardless of where you are, God can take you where you want to go - and beyond! Chasing the "number one" role or promotion by your own hands will never be fulfilling. God has even bigger things in store for you, and your future starts now. Learn to listen to God's call, and let him direct your actions. As you do, you'll rise by discovering the true power of your position.

    ©2019 Johnny McGowan (P)2019 Hachette Audio


    "Johnny is living proof that God can do great things through the heart of a servant. I urge you to read this book and embrace the ideas and encouragement you'll find on every page. If you allow them to take hold and commit yourself to stepping up, you will soon step into the power and abundance that God intended for you to have in your life." (Joel Osteen, pastor of Lakewood Church and number one New York Times best-selling author)

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