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  • Step 2: Lust: A LitRPG Adventure

  • A Gamer's Guide to Beating the Tutorial, Book 2
  • De : Palt
  • Lu par : Daniel Wisniewski
  • Durée : 14 h et 43 min

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Couverture de Step 2: Lust: A LitRPG Adventure

Step 2: Lust: A LitRPG Adventure

De : Palt
Lu par : Daniel Wisniewski
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    Unlike the challenges Lo Fennrick has faced so far, the one that lies ahead can't be solved with brute force and manslaughter, in this dark fantasy LitRPG.

    When former MMORPG champion (and current indebted, isolated madman) Lo Fennrick joined the Tutorial, it seemed grit, dedication, and a willingness to kill were all he needed in order to beat each hellish floor. But as he enters the ashy wastes of this next one, he finds a familiar face awaiting him—alongside a challenge that might prove to be more than he can handle . . .

    Together with fellow challenger and former rival Moleman (who may or may not now be his friend) and the goblin Simel (of whose friendship he's fortunately entirely certain), Fennrick—or PrissyKittyPrincess, as he's come to be known—must make his way across the world of Purgatory. One thing's for sure: he'll do everything in his power to do the right thing by his new allies, no matter how tenuous their bonds.

    And as Fennrick battles his way through savage beasts and harsh elements, he'll soon come to realize that making—and keeping—a friend can be far more difficult than killing.

    The second volume of the hit LitRPG adventure series—with more than a million views on Royal Road—now available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and Audible!

    ©2024 Palt (P)2024 Podium Audio

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