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  • Steel Girls in the Blitz

  • The Steel Girls, Book 5
  • De : Michelle Rawlins
  • Durée : 10 h et 14 min

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Couverture de Steel Girls in the Blitz

Steel Girls in the Blitz

De : Michelle Rawlins
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    With their city under fire, can they find hope in each other?

    In December 1940, the Blitz has reached Sheffield, but Steel Girl Hattie is more concerned about the war brewing at home between her parents. Desperate to help her mother in any way she can, will Hattie get through with the help of her factory sisters?

    Betty is overjoyed to learn that her fiancé will be coming home to complete his RAF training. But when the Blitz begins, he may be in greater danger than ever.

    Young Patty has never been prouder of her sweetheart, Air Raid Warden, Archie. But having seen the true cost of war, is he struggling more than Patty could ever imagine?

    And as the bombs begin to fall, will the steel girls find shelter in each other?

    A heartwarming and dramatic World War II saga, perfect for fans of Vicki Beeby, Kate Thompson and Pam Howes.

    ©2024 Michelle Rawlins (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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