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Couverture de Stealing Time: Book 3

Stealing Time: Book 3

De : Eliot Jones
Lu par : Eliot Jones
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    How can you stop a criminal if you do not know who they are or what they're after?

    During the search for Ellis Knox, who was having a good day until he went over the side of the boat he and his friends were on and disappeared beneath the waters of Lake Mead, authorities stumble across vital evidence disclosing the location of a notorious fugitive who's eluded the FBI for over a decade.

    Though already working on a separate case, Ray Diamond agrees to help after literally being begged for his assistance by the unlikeliest of sources, and as he dives deeper into both cases, it doesn't take long before Diamond discovers they're intertwined. Making things more challenging is the extraordinarily bizarre circumstance that as more evidence is discovered, Diamond astonishingly gets further and further from the truth, giving credence to the suggestion there is a mysterious person or persons with a secret agenda working behind the scenes to manipulate not only the evidence, but everyone even marginally connected to both cases.

    Stealing Time once again serves up the breathtaking twists and turns you've come to expect from the author who brought you Time Will Tell, and Time And Time Again, as the case Diamond took on as a favor stretches him to the point where he'll have to use every ounce of his experience and skill to solve what turns out to be the most challenging case he has ever encountered!

    ©2023 Eliot Jones (P)2024 Eliot Jones

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