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Couverture de Staying Alive in Toxic Times

Staying Alive in Toxic Times

De : Dr Jenny Goodman
Lu par : Dr Jenny Goodman
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    The must-have health bible that explains exactly how to stay in radiant, optimal health all year round.

    Are you confused about what supplements you should be taking? Do you want to know how you can reverse the effects of pollution on your body? Would you like to eat seasonally?

    Drawing on Dr Jenny Goodman's 20+ years' experience as a medical doctor, lecturer and qualified nutritionist, Staying Alive in Toxic Times sets out exactly what to eat in order to live our healthiest lives and how to adapt our lifestyle according to the season we are in.

    Dr Jenny Goodman lays out how to safely and effectively supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals, explains what really works in terms of detoxing your body and sorts through the confusing myriad of diets and healthy eating fads, using her expertise to myth-bust. Staying Alive in Toxic Times also reveals how to avoid seasonal health hazards, such as indoor pollution, hay fever and SAD.

    With so many people feeling tired, ill and run-down, this timely guide is what everyone needs to listen to in order to live vibrant, happy and long lives.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio on our Desktop Site.

    ©2020 Jenny Goodman (P)2020 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

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