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Couverture de Stay Dead

Stay Dead

De : April Henry
Lu par : Tessa Netting
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    "Milan is in a race against time and terror to get to her parents’ one trusted friend before she ends up dead, too… readers will be intrigued and thrilled to see how it all turns out." —Booklist

    New York Times bestselling author April Henry delivers a thrilling murder mystery featuring a teen with an assassin on her trail fighting to uncover the truth behind a government cover up, perfect for fans of Karen McManus.

    Sometimes, the only way to live is to make sure the world thinks you’re dead....

    In the aftermath of a car accident that claimed the life of her senator father, sixteen-year-old Milan finds herself adrift, expelled from her third boarding school. Milan’s mother, who has assumed the senate seat, diverts her private plane to pick up her daughter. But on their way home, a bomb rips off a wing and the plane crashes in the mountains. In her final moments, Milan’s mother entrusts her with a key. She reveals it will unlock the evidence that so many people have already died for—including Milan’s father. The only way Milan can survive, her mom tells her, is to let everyone believe she died with the other passengers.

    ​Milan is forced to navigate a perilous descent in freezing conditions while outwitting everything from a drone to wild animals. With relentless assassins on her trail, she must untangle the web of deceit and save herself and countless others. Will she piece together the truth in time?

    ©2024 April Henry (P)2024 Christy Ottaviano Books


    "When the senator’s plane goes down, Milan miraculously escapes, going on a multiday survival trek through snowy, dangerous woods…. Milan is in a race against time and terror to get to her parents’ one trusted friend before she ends up dead, too. Milan’s trek through the freezing woods shows she’s clever, and readers will be intrigued and thrilled to see how it all turns out."—Booklist

    "April Henry has done it again–we’re dragged into a tension-filled story that refuses to let go. Pacy survival tale, eco-thriller, and murder mystery all rolled into one. Stay Dead will knock your socks off!"—Ellie Marney, New York Times bestselling author of None Shall Sleep

    "If ever a book should be called a page-turner, it is this one. April Henry’s latest novel grabbed me with its explosive opening, layered mystery, and its short, sharp chapters, which meant I couldn’t put it down. A wonderfully compulsive thriller."—Vincent Ralph, New York Times bestselling author of Secrets Never Die and Lock the Doors.

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