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  • Starving Toxicity

  • Transformative Life Changes Through Prayer, Fasting, and Celibacy
  • De : Janae Butler
  • Lu par : Nia Confer
  • Durée : 3 h et 16 min

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Starving Toxicity

De : Janae Butler
Lu par : Nia Confer
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    Have the activities you used to enjoy left you feeling empty and disconnected lately? Are you struggling to find your purpose or direction? Do you feel like you're too damaged to change or don't know where to start?

    It seems like everyone is turning to God these days, but what happens when you can’t stop sinning?

    ”No matter what behavior I fed into, I was never satisfied.”

    Sex gave me a high but depleted my soul.

    Social media allowed me to “like” toxicity.

    My pride told me I wasn’t the problem.

    In a world filled with toxic influences and endless distractions, it's easy to lose ourselves in pursuing temporary highs and instant gratification….

    In her inspiring Christian self help memoir Starving Toxicity, Janae shares her transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth, offering readers a roadmap to overcoming the struggles of the modern world as they embrace a life of obedience and self-discipline.

    For years, she sought purpose in all the wrong places, but no matter how much she indulged, she was never truly satisfied. Finding the courage to confront her pride and turn to God, she discovers her destiny and lasting fulfillment.

    Janae takes us through her spiritual journey as a lukewarm Christian struggling to hear the voice of God. She discusses topics that ranges from the influence of social media, the danger of lukewarm living, family dysfunction, complex relationships, depression, and addiction as she struggles to find her place in society. She candidly shares her experiences with sex, lust, and fornication and their toll on her mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

    Feeling disconnected and willing to part from her immoral lifestyle, she dedicates 21 days to fasting and prayer and discovers her purpose and the path to true fulfillment. With the courage to embrace celibacy, she finds a new kind of love, one that is pure, patient, and kind.

    Janae learns that true happiness requires growth, self-discovery, faith and commitment to God.

    This memoir is for you if you:

    • Are looking for inspiration and guidance to overcome the struggles of the modern world and finding purpose
    • Have struggled with toxic behavior and seeking fulfillment in all the wrong places and feel like there is no hope for you to turn things around
    • Are interested in personal growth, self-discovery, and spirituality
    • Are looking for guidance on your spiritual journey but don't know where to start
    • Feel you have sinned so much that there is no hope for redemption yet still hunger for God
    • Want to try praying and fasting but feel unqualified or don’t know where to start

    This memoir is a powerful reminder that God is within our reach if only we have the courage to seek Him.

    With practical advice and spiritual insights, Janae offers you the tools you need to break free from the chains of your past and
    embrace a future filled with hope and possibility.

    So if you're looking for inspiration to live your best life, find your true purpose, and thrive on your self-discovery journey, this is your first step!

    Even if you feel you are beyond redemption, this book will inspire and encourage you to jumpstart your journey to a new you!

    Scroll up and click Buy Now".

    ©2023 Janae Butler (P)2023 Janae Butler

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