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  • Starting from Scratch

  • The Self-Employed Journey. Lessons in Small Business Ownership from Successful Trail-Blazers
  • De : Cami Powell, Megs Thompson
  • Lu par : Kelly Dugger
  • Durée : 2 h et 42 min

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Couverture de Starting from Scratch

Starting from Scratch

De : Cami Powell, Megs Thompson
Lu par : Kelly Dugger
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    Life as an entrepreneur can be a crazy roller coaster, but it doesn't have to be.

    Starting from Scratch, the first installment of The Self-Employed Journey series, is a collection of stories shared by 12 small business owners, each successful in their own way. 

    Coming from a variety of industries, business models, and experience levels, these trailblazing professionals break down their unique self-employed journeys, providing hope, courage, inspiration, education, and guidance, no matter whether you are a seasoned self-employed professional or contemplating taking that leap into the unknown.

    Topics include:

    • How to best handle professional hiccups and hurdles
    • Which shortcuts are worth exploring and which should be avoided at all costs
    • When to ask for help
    • The importance of innovation and creative thinking
    • And why giving up is never the answer!

    Stay tuned for upcoming installments in The Self-Employed Journey series.

    ©2021 Camila Powell (P)2021 Camila Powell

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