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  • Start Your Engine

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Car Repair and Maintenance
  • De : Daniel Holland
  • Lu par : Tom Brooks
  • Durée : 2 h et 28 min

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Start Your Engine

De : Daniel Holland
Lu par : Tom Brooks
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    Don’t let car troubles get you down and take charge with the ultimate guide to auto repair!

    After years of hands-on experience as a master mechanic, Daniel Holland knows the importance of self-maintenance when it comes to keeping your vehicle in top shape. That’s why he shares his wealth of knowledge and expertise to help you become your own mechanic!

    This book is packed with Holland’s insider secrets, practical tips, and troubleshooting advice to help you diagnose and fix common issues like a pro.

    With step-by-step instructions and detailed illustrations, you'll learn everything from simple oil changes to complex engine repairs, saving money and time by doing it yourself.

    This book is the ultimate resource to take control of your car's maintenance and keep it running smoothly, whether you are a seasoned gearhead or a first-time car owner.

    Thanks to Holland's teachings, you will learn:

    • The basic mechanics of automobiles with an introduction to auto repair and how your car works
    • How to perform routine maintenance tasks such as checking your fluids and inspecting your brakes to keep your vehicle in top shape
    • What are the best tools to repair your car and how to use them in step-by-step procedures
    • How to save money and time by becoming your own mechanic and avoiding costly trips to the auto shop
    • The seven best tips to make your car last for years
    • Car problem diagnosis complete list to take control of your car's maintenance and hit the road with confidence

    Are you tired of spending a fortune on car repairs? Do you want to take the wheel and become your own mechanic?

    Click "Add to Cart" to get Holland’s pro teachings and take charge of your vehicle's maintenance today

    ©2023 Daniel Holland (P)2023 Daniel Holland

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