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  • Standing on the Shoulders

  • A Legacy Story of a Father, a Son, and Life’s Greatest Gifts
  • De : Tim Brand
  • Lu par : Greg Blumhagen
  • Durée : 4 h et 59 min

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Couverture de Standing on the Shoulders

Standing on the Shoulders

De : Tim Brand
Lu par : Greg Blumhagen
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    There is a proverb that states, “We see further because we are standing on the shoulders of giants.” Each of us has a question to answer: Will we choose to live a life for others to stand on our shoulders or leave behind the rubble of brokenness for others to clean up? For Tim Brand, this came to a head when his father, Denny, was living his last months of life Guiding us through this inspiring true story of love, hope, and redemption, Tim shares his father’s journey.

    Life’s greatest gifts are revealed, exploring the deeper questions of what it means to live a good life and how to leave a legacy for future generations. Written with vulnerability and compassion, Standing on the Shoulders is a beautiful chronicle of their time together. It is a book that will stay with you long after you finish listening to it, inspiring you to live your own life to the fullest and to make a difference in the world.

    At the author's request, all royalties due to the author will benefit Many Hands' work with mothers and children in need, who need someone's shoulders to stand on for a season.

    ©2024 Tim Brand (P)2024 Tim Brand

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