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  • Standing on the Shoulders

  • Incredible Heroes and How They Inspire Us
  • De : Dan Walker
  • Lu par : Dan Walker
  • Durée : 9 h

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Standing on the Shoulders

De : Dan Walker
Lu par : Dan Walker
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    Dan Walker is back, determined to keep shining a light on the kindness, compassion and selflessness which continue to characterise so many people and their actions right across the country.

    As one of the UK's leading journalists, Dan has made it his life work to focus on people who often act as the catalysts for change: the unheralded champions who frequently go without getting the recognition they deserve.

    The new audiobook from the author of the best-selling Remarkable People contains a totally fresh batch of humble heroes whose actions, bravery and determination have helped shape their communities.

    Standing on the Shoulders asks who are these little-known marvels and what makes them tick? What do they have in common? What can we all learn from them? Is there something special in the chain of events? What does it take to make a lasting impact on others?

    History can be cruel and forgetful to those who don't shout about their own success or good deeds, but Standing on the Shoulders is a beautifully written and illuminating celebration of ordinary people and the extraordinary things they do. It is also a timely reminder of the goodness and positivity that drives us forward during challenging times.

    ©2022 Dan Walker (P)2022 Headline Publishing Group Ltd

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